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Movement Medicine Bundle

Movement Medicine Bundle

This bundle of pre-recorded courses includes:

  • Slow. Flow. Grow
    3 weeks of three, 30-45 minute practices designed to provide a holistic weekly movement framework to support the mental, physical, and energy bodies. Level 1 will prepare the body and mind for more complex and dynamic functional strength and mobility exercises utilizing kettlebells. We will cycle through the main elements of:Slow.Flow.Grow each week, building upon what we learn week over week. This program will give you tools to continue to show up for yourself to support you feeling energetic, peaceful, and loved. It will break down movements and awareness to help safely build functional strength and mobility in an accessible and approachable way.
  • Posture Power
    3 circuits to help you gain strength and stability in the upper back and posterior chain, while also opening and stretching the front side of our necks, chests, and shoulders. These circuits can be done stand alone a few times a week, or added onto any other program if you feel you are not already working on these networks, movements, and muscle groups.
  • Strength & Mobility: 
    By the end of this six week series you will feel stronger and more free in your physical body, experience less pain, increase your mental and emotional resilience, and build a solid foundation for confidence and self esteem. Building strength and mobility from the floor requires us to activate the body as a whole system. In this series we will learn and practice tools and techniques you can layer into your future movement practices to enhance and compliment any other movements modalities. This practice is about the slow burn and is all in the details.
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